Welcome to our online valuation tool. We can offer three different types of valuation.

Free Instant Estimate

Potential Accuracy:
  • A computer algorithm uses data from previous property sales to calculate an instant estimate. These estimates can be useful as a quick guide but should not be relied upon as they can be inaccurate.

Free Remote Valuation

Potential Accuracy:
  • This is where we get you to upload a set of photographs to show internal condition, garden etc and then one of our experts will combine these with expert local knowledge and accurate data from all sources to give a more accurate valuation. There's no need for us to visit you. This takes roughly 24-48 hours but nothing beats a visit from one of our experts.

Free Valuation Visit

Potential Accuracy:
  • This is the best way to get an accurate assessment of your property's value. One of our very experienced valuers will visit you, inspect your property and make recommendations. The whole process takes less than an hour and is completely free and without obligation.